Shared Chromosomes- Part 3 My Close Family

This segment of the blog will address my own matches.


As stated earlier I have a total of seven siblings and other relatives grouped together. First, there is my siblings-my sister, Fran, and my brother, Cliff, plus, myself, Mic. Second, I have two 1st cousins-Cousin Peggy, a daughter of my father’s sister and Rita, a daughter of my mother’s sister. Then, there are two first cousins of my father-one cousin, Chuck, is the son of my paternal grandfather’s brother and the other, Bud, the son of my paternal grandmother’s brother.
In this portion of the blog I will talk about the shared matches between each of us in the familial grouping of seven. There was one anomaly that concerned me when I encountered it but after further investigation there was no reason for the concern.
I found there were a number of persons in my “created cousin database” who matched paternal cousins Bud, Chuck and Peggy and maternal Cousin Rita. Bud, Chuck and Peggy come from my paternal side and Rita from my maternal side. My paternal and maternal sides should not be related. Plus Bud and Chuck should not match.
My first concern was that there might be a relationship between cousins when a relationship should not exist. If a relationship did exist then it could skew my claim that I could tell which side of my family matches were coming from by seeing who in my family shared chromosomes with a given match.
I went to the personal page of Bud, Chuck and Rita and looked to see if they matched one another. They did not. I next placed them in the Matrix in the advanced filter area of my personal page. Again, they did not match one another. Then, to take it a little further, I looked at the chromosome browser on the personal page of each cousin and looked for the person they both matched. This absolved the concern. Each of them matched the person they matched but when looking at the chromosome browser it was detected each matched their match on a different chromosome from the other. So, yes, they had common matches but they were matching their match in different ways, not the same. Bottom line, cousins Bud, Chuck and Peggy were not related to Cousin Rita. And, Cousin Bud and Cousin Chuck were not related to one another.
There is (at least) one task or calculation that should be done to continue the discovery of shared chromosomes but it would take forever to complete and it is not being done at this level. The task referenced needs to be done on a match to match level. That is, for every match between one or more of the seven cousins in the test group, I would need to go to the chromosome browser and verify the match between cousins in the group are matching the person they match on the same chromosome in the same location. This needs to be done but at a more advanced level when studying the relationship of the specific matches.
That said, here is the total number of individual matches and the number of individual X-chromosome matches for each cousin as of March 13, 2015. The significance of X-chromosome matches between each of the seven will be covered in Shared Chromosomes Part 4 of this series of Blogs:
MIC                                        1298 Matches              023 X-Chromosomes
Sister Fran                             1241 Matches              279 X-Chromosomes
Brother Cliff                          1392 Matches              020 X-Chromosomes
Maternal 1st Cousin Rita     1459 Matches              287 X-Chromosomes
Paternal 2nd Cousin Bud    1533 Matches               008 X-Chromosomes
Paternal 2nd Cousin Chuck 1064 Matches               004 X-Chromosomes
Total Matches                       7987 Matches



On the FTDNA Personal Page of each individual there is a link to a Matrix. Within the matrix is a list of that person’s matches. So, below, I have posted a list of which cousin in the group of seven cousins, is related to one another.
MIC                                                Related to All
Sister FRAN                                   Related to All
Brother Cliff                                  Related to All
Paternal 1st Cousin Peggy           Related to All except Maternal 1st Cousin Rita
Maternal 1st Cousin Rita             Related to Mic, Fran, Cliff/               Not related to Bud, Chuck and Peggy
Paternal 2nd Cousin Bud            Related to Mic, Fran, Cliff and Peggy/   Not related to Chuck and Rita
Paternal 2nd Cousin Chuck        Related to Mic, Fran, Cliff and Peggy/Not related to Bud and Rita
As stated earlier there were individual matches in the created database that show they have matches with the individuals they should not have. Upon further investigation it was found these matches are on different chromosomes with the match and therefore not an actual relative match between cousins.



Following is a list of the shared matches found among all the seven cousins.



To calculate the numbers given below the names of matches from each cousin were downloaded in an Excel spreadsheet from the personal page of each cousin. The match names of each cousin were combined into a single Excel spread sheet. Each of the matches were marked to show which cousin they matched.


Then, the list of match names was sorted alphabetically by the match surname. The name of each cousin the match matched was on the right side of the line.


To make the names seem not so crowded I made a run through the list of names creating spaces between them when there were multiple matches for that match and making it more visable to view.
Then, I went through the list another time using a stick count mark for each match for any given cousin.


And lastly, I counted the number of stick count marks for each cousin.
I used sister Fran as the anchor person with her relationship matches to all cousins, then moved on to Cousin Peggy, then to Cousin Rita, then to the men. There was no significant reason for the manner in which I counted other than trying to separate the names without more confusion than there already was. So, following are the count calculations of shared chromosomes.
The Siblings:
Fran and Mic                                  173
Fran and Cliff                                 168
Cliff and Mic                                   236
Fran, Cliff and Mic                         186

Each Sibling with each Individual Cousin
Fran and Peggy                                58
Cliff and Peggy                                 69
Mic and Peggy                                  53

Fran and Rita                                    74
Cliff and Rita                                     44
Mic and Rita                                      61

Fran and Bud                                    25
Cliff and Bud                                     40
Mic and Bud                                      30

Fran and Chuck                                 20
Cliff and Chuck                                    3
Mic and Chuck                                     6
Peggy and Bud                                   33
Peggy and Chuck                               15


Shared Chromosomes Among Multiple Cousins:
Fran, Cliff and Peggy                          23
Fran, Cliff, Peggy and Bud                   9
Cliff, Mic and Peggy                            24
Fran, Cliff and Bud                              44
Fran, Cliff and Chuck                            6
Fran, Mic and Bud                              12
Fran, Cliff, Mic and Bud                     44
Fran, Cliff, Mic and Chuck                    2
Fran, Mic and Chuck                             4
Fran, Cliff, Peggy and Bud                    9
Fran, Mic and Peggy                            29
Fran, Mic, Peggy and Bud                     2
Fran, Mic, Peggy and Chuck                 4
Fran, Cliff, Mic and Peggy                   17
Fran, Cliff, Mic, Peggy and Bud            2
Fran, Cliff, Mic, Peggy and Chuck        5
Fran, Peggy and Bud                           12
Fran, Peggy and Chuck                         5
Cliff, Mic and Bud                                43
Cliff, Mic and Chuck                            10
Fran, Rita                                              74
Fran, Mic and Rita                               39
Fran, Cliff and Rita                              20
Fran, Cliff, Mic and Rita                      33
Cliff, Peggy and Chuck                          4
Cliff, Peggy and Bud                              4
Mic, Peggy and Chuck                           2
Mic, Peggy and Bud                              4
Cliff, Mic, Peggy and Bud                     3
Cliff, Mic, Peggy and Chuck                11
Cliff, Mic and Rita                                18


Shared Chromosome Counts Where a Non-Related Cousin is Counted:
Fran, Cliff, Mic, Bud and Chuck             1
Fran, Mic Peggy and Rita                        1
Fran, Cliff, Peggy and Rita                      1
Fran, Cliff, Mic, Peggy and Rita              1
Fran, Peggy and Rita                               1
Fran, Cliff, Mic, Peggy and Rita              1
Fran, Rita and Chuck                               1
Fran, Rita and Bud                                  1
Bud and Chuck                                        5
Fran, Mic, Rita and Chuck                      1
Cliff, Mic, Peggy, Chuck and Rita           1
Mic, Peggy and Rita                                1
Peggy and Rita                                        9
Cliff, Peggy and Rita                               1
Rita and Bud                                         25
Rita and Chuck                                     13
Mic, Rita and Bud                                   1
Mic, Rita and Chuck                                2
Cliff, Mic, Rita and Bud                           2
Cliff, Rita and Bud                                   4
Cliff, Rita and Chuck                                1
Cliff, Mic, Chuck and Bud                       2
So, what is so special about taking all the trouble to do what I have done?
First and ultimately, sorting the matches and who they match among the seven cousins in my familial grouping, in many cases, tells me which side of the family a match is coming from. Is it my paternal side or my maternal side?
When I match my sister and/or brother it just tells me we are related to our match but it really does not give any indication whether the match is on my paternal or maternal side.
But when we add Cousin Peggy or Cousin Rita to the picture we can assume the match is on my paternal side for Peggy and on the Maternal side when Rita is involved.
The match indicators can be even better if Paternal 2nd Cousin Bud or Chuck match a person. In Bud’s case, the match will be on my father’s maternal side and likewise, if the match is with Chuck, match should be on my father’s Paternal side.
BUT, it gets even better when or if one can use X-Chromsomes to help figuring out which side of the family a match comes from. For this, read on by reading Shared Chromosomes-Part 4


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